The “words are violence” crowd thinks actual violence is “the voice of the oppressed.”

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Totally the same thing, being cancelled for saying that a man can’t be a woman and saying kill all the jews. 👍🙄 You’ve got principle. 🤡

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Ultimately, cancel culture is a tool for the weak. Totalitarian leftists would like to ban saying that men cannot become women, but without broad support they can't legally prohibit it, so resort to cancelling. Calls to “kill all Jews” at the “Global Intifada” riots are incitement to violence — not protected speech — and so should be prosecuted. But since governments are not enforcing the law, shunning is the only remaining tool. Similar tactic perhaps, but no moral equivalent in the slightest.

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Yeah, Harvard students said "kill all the jews"!! I don't need to read their statement to know that is an utter lie.

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Yes, but it’s important to point out what the current rules are. Faculty and students can smugly proclaim that Israel is entirely responsible for Hamas terrorists raping, kidnapping and slaughtering Jews and not have it hurt them professionally, but college faculty can lose their jobs for, oh, saying inadvertently culturally insensitive Halloween costumes shouldn’t upset college students all that much (should, you know, someone from an officially recognized “marginalized group” feel hurt by the remark about Halloween attire.)

The hypocrisy of a bunch of smug finance guys who claim to be anti-cancel-culture is worth pointing out. But it’s nothing compared to the hypocrisy of the identity-based rules of individual conduct, speech and deference in our elite colleges. That remains the more salient point.

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Free speech rights are not absolute, they end at overt calls to violence. Chanting "gas the Jews" in Sydney (and equivalent slogans in many Western cities) prevents Jews from exercising *their* rights to freedom of assembly, for legitimate fear of violence.

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The Herzog quote is taken severely out of context. He repeatedly says we do need to avoid civilian casualties but it's difficult when many of them are launching rockets from their rooftops or kitchens.

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No it's not taken out of context. See here: https://twitter.com/shadihamid/status/1712936114598584334

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That's a twenty second clip of him saying the same thing without the rest of his speech. It's just as out of context as the quote. You know better than this.

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Can you share the larger clip that provides more context? I am interested to hear it.

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You're exactly right. It's disappointing to see the comments in response. The last seven years or so (since 2015 or 2016) has truly shown me how few people actually hold to their values. If you don't support the rights of the most offensive speaker, then you don't support free speech. Especially, this idea that folks in their late teens and early twenties should

have their lives ruined because unpopular opinions they hold, is utterly insane. I'm the first to point out that poor kids have to start adulthood at 18 while rich kids who get to go to college don't have to start til their mid twenties, but they're all kids. And kids, by their nature are impulsive idiots. I worry for our country when seemingly no one from either side of our duopoly has any consistent values aside from the pursuit of power.

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Hamas beheaded babies and run around saying an entire people have no right to exist vs you're worried about some imprecise language from the military? You're biased.

Learn to live in a world with shades of gray

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Why did Hamas win out over Fatah (killing 600 Fatah members between 2006 and 2007)? To say Gazans could have actually done something is not crazy. If there is something they tried to do PLEASE tell me about it because I DO NOT want to believe that 2M people want Jews dead (like Hamas does).

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Please read through the below incidences of cancel culture perpetrated by the other side.


I would deem all these cause of “cancellation” pale in comparison to the acceptance of outright murder of Jewish people.

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The loudest, most obnoxious voices always ring clearest. On the other end, the irony comes in the form of groups of college students who on Oct 6 pushed for cancelling of speakers they didn’t like, turning around and shouting offensive language with no context in the streets. There are always crazies to point to. Doing this doesn’t contribute much to the discussion though.

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Great read, thank you Shadi. Bill Ackman lacks self-awareness - that much we do know!

I will also never understand the contradictory stance taken by proponents of Cancel Culture: they fight to give a voice to the marginalised/oppressed yet they try to eliminate the voice of others and try to fight the freedom of speech. Any idea why that is?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

The brutal irony of denouncing Hamas' acts of violence against innocent civilians, then responding in kind by violently killing even more innocent civilians than were initially killed on your side...

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There have been a few Israelis who have been directly affected by the Hamas attacks taking to social media to ask that no vengeance be taken in their name: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyd3Yu-tRoz/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c74Zdvpt5xc

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Bill Ackman isn't a "right wing billionaire". He is literally a member and donor of the democratic party.


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You might want to check your facts next time and do better research. Ackman supports Vivek who you might have heard is running for the GOP presidential nomination: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/bill-ackman-is-betting-on-gop-presidential-hopeful-ramaswamy-1.1963107

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Just curious how this works. Do we truly know the political affiliation of someone based on who they voted for in the last election? My own voting history is quite nuanced. I have voted democrat, republican, independent and libertarian. I do concede that I am not a person of means that gives money to any party. I simply vote. Still, I don't fit into any one box and I suppose that applies to many people including the ones that do have dollars to donate.

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Thanks Shadi. I stand corrected.

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I agree they are weaponizing the Jewish cause. However, Jews are terrified of leftist antisemitism right now and that is something people really need to understand. To quiet at bunch of uninformed, overly pampered, Harvard kids who probably know NOTHING of the conflict, but are probably in the group bc of some cowardly virtue-signaling, can feel redemptive for some. Again though, I ultimately agree w what you are trying to point out.

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If a group puts out a statement, group members should vote on it. Most groups work like that.

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That’s simply not true—at all. This is just not how college orgs work.

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Yes it's a double standard and you're absolutely right to call it out.

Yes, it's a time of demonizing and dehumanizing rhetoric, born out of pain and rage. Somehow we have to ride that out.

My hope is that Israel (and other combatants, if they join or are drawn in) will be more discriminating in their actions. Israel's evacuation warning, however much it's contradicted by it's initial rocket assault, shows some willingness to allow civilians to take cover or remove themselves from the immediate point of attack. We'll just have to see how that plays out.

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